If I were given the chance to create a 'New World', I would hope for a sustainable society, where all natural resources are valued. It should be a non-polluted environment so that I won't need to create another New World, The people in the society would be very healthy and content, and we can take a benefit from our resources.
First of all, if we don't conserve our New World, we will need another New World to escape from the pollution. On the other hand, if we did take care of our environment and natural resources, there won't need to 'escape' again.
'Old World was polluted and crowded and dying from its own poisons. That's why we left, to find a better place, one we could do our very best not to wreck like we had Old World.'
-'The New World' by Patrick Ness
Since I was given the opportunity to be the creator, I wouldn't want to make bad of that chance and having to put together another new world. To prevent this, valuing our natural environment and resources are fundamental.
Furthermore, the people in the society would be in good shape and thriving in a non-polluted community. Pollution can easily damage your health; by breathing in gases from transportation, drinking water and eating fish which were both contaminated;, and if all of us aren't cautious with keeping our society immaculate, people will soon get diseases and the population may decrease.
Last but not the least, we can keep getting our resources from nature; but not more than needed. If the society doesn't save and protect its surroundings, soon, the natural resources we get, such as wood, food, and water, will disappear right in front of our eyes. The citizens should plant trees as much as possible and collect any materials just the amount they need, no more.
In conclusion, I believe that "hope" in the New World should be keeping it a sustainable society. By reserving it as one, our possible benefits to the world will be escalated by steps and be turned into a utopia. However, to keep it a non-polluted environment, I anticipate that it is me who should have to start the action, and soon others will follow, and then the world will.
"I am the circle and the circle is me."
-The Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness
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